// SAMPLE HOT CODE REPLACEMENT FILE //////////////////////// // This optionally declares the namespace. // By using "$$" after the "//" comment we declare the namespace, which is optional. // If not present the hot codes go into a global namespace. // (this is disabled below for this example file) // disabled //$$ cb //////////////////////// // This section defines the hot code names which are the column headers. // By using "##" after the "//" comment we define our hot codes, tab separated // In this example the columns are: // First replacement value is full name (first middle last) // Second replacement value is last name only (e.g. used for folder naming) // Third replacement is title (byline title) // Fourth replacement is editor (folder naming) // So rather than using the code replacement syntax "={serial}#2=" we simply use "[last]". // This next line defines [full], [last] and [title] hot codes depending on column number. // You can only have one of these definitions for a given domain. If repeated it must match. //## full last title editor //////////////////////// // This section defines variables used to create the codes. // By using "==" after the "//" comment we signify these are possible code formats. // These "code generators" can combine multiple variables and text to generate codes. // First code option is serial number //== {snum} // Second code option is camera model //== {model} // Third code option is 3 (of 4) chars of image filename set in camera (DJW_ or _DJW) //== {fbas:0,3} //== {fbas:1,3} //////////////////////// // This defines values for missing code replacements // By using "??" after the "//" comment we can specify defaults for each hot code, tab separated //?? {cmnt}|Unknown Other E //////////////////////// // This is a sample code replacement list with a mixture of catchers for identifying photographer // serial numbers 12345 Dennis Walker Walker Photo Nerd A 67890 Dennis Walker Walker Photo Nerd A // model values // Sony Alpha 7R ILCE-7R John Doe Doe Stringer B // first 3 digits of filename (or next 3 if AdobeRGB) //DJW Dennis Walker Walker Photo Nerd A dirWalker ~/Photos/Originals/{datesortdash}